Not Steve Martin's cat ...
This poor (and lucky) CA cat survived a terrible ordeal. Good thing he has a few more lives left!
Cat Survives Arrow Through Head
SANTA CRUZ, Cal. -- Max the cat probably can't do math, but if he could -- he'd likely be calculating how many lives he has left.
Max wandered back to his owner's home in Santa Cruz, California after being missing for two days. Much to that owner's dismay, Max was sporting a 12 inch arrow through his head.
I hope they do the same to whoever did it to Max!
Cat Survives Arrow Through Head
SANTA CRUZ, Cal. -- Max the cat probably can't do math, but if he could -- he'd likely be calculating how many lives he has left.
Max wandered back to his owner's home in Santa Cruz, California after being missing for two days. Much to that owner's dismay, Max was sporting a 12 inch arrow through his head.
I hope they do the same to whoever did it to Max!
I know a kitty that keeps coming to my door looking for that pretty young lady who was here last week petting her. Kitty was on my Jeep last night when I moved it and was peering off the roof into the windshield at me while I was moving back into the driveway. Trusting little thing!